
my personal place




eVISA required +

  • Allowed to stay for 30 days
  • Visitors who have been granted an online pre-visa or have requested such pre-visa from the consulates of Angola abroad, are then issued with a visa on arrival at the country’s border check points.
  • For a maximum total stay of 90 days within a one year period.
  • Besides having printed confirmation that a visa will be issued upon arrival, passengers must: have a return/onward ticket, and have a hotel reservation confirmation.


eVISA required +

  • Allowed to stay for 30 days
  • Visitors who have been granted an online pre-visa or have requested such pre-visa from the consulates of Angola abroad, are then issued with a visa on arrival at the country’s border check points.
  • For a maximum total stay of 90 days within a one year period.
  • Besides having printed confirmation that a visa will be issued upon arrival, passengers must: have a return/onward ticket, and have a hotel reservation confirmation.

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