
my personal place

I think we are fucked

I think we are fucked

Honestly, I think we are fucked. 😀

I just think the world is dumber and dumber, to the point of idiocracy, and it is getting worse. To clear the air I will debunk the “World is getting better” notion in a very soon to release TROM ebook, but this is about something else.

The trade world (profit based) fucked up everything and it is increasingly doing that at an exponential rate. Back in 2010 I had a friend who was doing promotion for websites and he was posting on forums with fake names and having conversations on the forum with himself (different usernames) about products to promote them; he was submitting websites to portals like nuts (the mother of all spam); he was creating new websites and linked to the ones he was promoting (link building); he was also buying articles (medicine, tech, etc.) then changed parts of them with automated software (replacing words with synonyms) so that google won’t detect duplicate content, and he was building in automated ways hundreds and thousands of websites with similar content but linking one to another. Why? Ads! He was breaking the internet as I told him many times. He was the worse human in my view. He was literally fucking up the internet for profit. Imagine searching for something medical on google and coming across one of his kamikaze websites and reading the bullshit articles he bought and mingled just because he knew how to trick google’s search engines to get to you. I thought that’s the worse you can be.


7 years later and I look at him the same way people look today at Steve-O: like “Wow, he’s respectable! He’s a legend!”. People regard Steve-O as respectable because the present is so fucked up that someone like Steve-O, a guy who starred in Jackass films (basically dudes kicking themselves in the nuts for money), looks like a damn smart and thoughtful guy compared to the zombie-reactiveness thoughtful-toads of today. And the friend who did those shitty things looks the same today compared to the craziness of what people do today for the money. They fake pranks, mislead with click bait titles, exaggerate everything, lie like nuts, and soooo on.

The idiot kids.

Look at this video please:

[ytp_video source=”SiLaLw2-06k”]


It has 45 million views. ‘Nuff said. What is even scarier is that it has twice more likes than dislikes. (Edit 3 months later: this video has 85 million views….). If you wonder who the fuck are those millions of people watching these online mutations then it is “the kids”. Some profiteers discovered that children watch a ton of youtube videos and for a lot of time (something youtube encourages through their reward system – money for ads). Basically, parents are busy with nonsense jobs and facebook, and kids are sent to watch youtube stuff, ’cause that’s easy for the parents. And indeed they watch a ton because that video is not an exception, it is the rule. Go to their channel and you’ll see each video has millions of views. Also search on youtube for Spiderman or Elsa and you’ll see dumbed down, puked up videos that are made by idiots, but seen by millions of children. They have the most views on youtube out of (perhaps) all kinds of videos. So basically profiteers found a way to take advantage of children for ad revenue. They make, for sure, in the thousands of dollars per month or per video. So kids nowadays will grow up with these dumb down beyond idiocracy content. Their heads will reflect that.

More so, look at mobile games that are played by kids so much. Most, if not all of them, are filled with ads (buy this, buy this, buy this) or they are all a slot machine for children (and adults): you want to upgrade the character, then buy these superpowers; want to advance, buy some coins.

So kids watch dumb down content and play games that teach them to be profiteers. So they will get to be idiot profiteers when adults, breading in turn the same species.

The idiot adults.

Whilst today’s kids are bred up to become idiots, the adults are transformed into idiots. Facebook will be the no 1 reason our species will end up. Mark my words. People watch fake lives, project fake lives, watch fake news, fake videos, everything is fake and exaggerated. Everything is click bait. They have thousands of friends but in reality have none. They follow many pages but in reality they follow their own opinions. They only seek for approval, they know nothing about the world, and any charlatan can take advantage of them. Any “cure for cancer” post on fb is not sniffed for its facts by any such idiot. They can’t. They have no idea how science works, they don’t know that not all sources of news are equal, they are not equipped to detect bullshit so they pretty much eat it on a daily basis.

This lunatic has over 1.5 million likes and it’s growing:

And it is full of them. Any loud-mouth megaphoned through fb posts and videos is a guru nowadays. What people seem not to realize is that these creatures are “for profit” and take advantage of the gullible. The saddest part is that they don’t seem to be doing it intentionally like “Heck let’s take advantage of the morons.”, rather they are idiots too but only loud-mouthed. Fb tells you there is a cure for any disease out there but the government keeps it hidden; that you can’t trust anyone (except those who says that), or that conspiracies are actually a manifestation of free thinkers and skepticism.

Give fb a search for “cancer cure” and for sure you’ll find a million cures.

But you see the situation is disastrous. People have no fucking clue what is going on anymore, nor do they have any tools to fix that. Almost everyone with an internet connection has a fb profile nowadays and they spend so much time on this platform. Basically, their main source of information comes from this muddy place.

The TV is the same, they do whatever brings more money; movies the same; music repetitive and the same. Speaking of these, Netflix and Spotify are amazing tools at keeping the idiots busy with the mindless content. Nice smelling, yes! Tasty, maybe! Good package nevertheless, though quite a shitty content. But it is like eating fast food all of your life and sitting on your couch. Don’t expect good health. Pump shit in people’s brain and they’ll have shit in their heads. They’ll talk shit and do shit.

Preparing for the end.

Some say there are more and more good quality documentaries produced, or youtube shows, or articles (news); I curate these stuff for the past 4-5 years and I can confirm that yes, there are many such good materials produced, BUT for every such healthy thing out there, there are at least one thousand bad and smelly things. One Cosmos vs 1,000 shitty documentaries that together reach immensely more people than Cosmos does. One Vsauce channel vs 1,000 clickbaity, kids-dumbing channels. A handful of well written articles vs millions that are plain simply bullshit-painted.

What no one seems to realize is that this world breeds idiocracy. My ‘respectable’ friend who broke the net may chase profits, but he and others like him also fuck up the world, that in turn fucks them up. My friend uses fb as well and eats the same shit he previously pooped. There is no long term thinking in this world. It is the now, and fuck the tomorrow. Let’s get drunk and give no fuck. Watch this only movie I’ll recommend – when I watched it 10 years ago I thought it is a tasteless and overly exaggerated and poorly written comedy, but now it gives me chills.


And, for my last breath, as I argued so any times in TROM contents, you should look at any entity out there: from the government to companies, celebrities to charities, religions to software, and they are all filled with the profiteer filth. They are all chasing their own tail and give no fucks about the world. This is not an online manifestation only, this is happening everywhere in the world. Just go to the bank to open up an account and you’ll see the jackal employees trying to rip you off with their sophisticated language giving no fucks about you or the future of mankind. Everywhere is like that.

But the most important thing to remember is that these profiteers are not born like that. it is the environment that pushes them to create shitty stuff that in turn creates shitty minds. Therefore, change the environment to change the people.

But if you ask me, I think we are fucked…any effort I and others are doing to promote a new and scientific way of thinking gets rapidly sunk beneath the vast ocean of stupidity. I saw that with people following TROM that although they digest TROM, they are also eating tons of shit from FB and other sources and it mixes up in their brains in very weird ways.

But I won’t give up. I have no choice. I’ll continue screaming.

11 Replies to “I think we are fucked”

  1. This is in response to the “I think we are fucked” blog…

    First, let me start by saying that video(the idiot kids) was truly disturbing on so many levels. That made me head and my teeth hurt just by watching it.
    It’s not just kids who watch mind-numbingly stupid videos like that, adults do too. Last week, a picture of a cat with all of its fur shaved off(minus the face) went viral and only adults were reposting. I see adults who are obsessed with unicorns, Harry Potter, and Disney characters. People my age(35)!! While I try to remain optimistic, it’s becoming increasingly difficult with the loads and loads of bull-shit coming out of every direction. The reality of it all is quite sobering. Television(which I haven’t watched in about 6 years), the internet, music, movies, day-to-day interactions are all proof that society is fucked and not only do the vast majority NOT care, they seem to revel in it.
    The more I learn about the plummeting decline of life systems all across the globe, the more urgency I feel to learn as much as possible and I try to discuss possible solutions with others who seem concerned. Nearly always, I’m met with closed minds and subjective views on issues that can only be fixed with objective approaches. You would think that statistics and scientific evidence would be all one needs when arriving at a solution but so many think in opposite terms. I had one fb ‘friend’ tell me she is skeptical of space exploration, she thinks it’s all fake and she still has her doubts about the earth being round…!?!?! I wanted to bang my head on the countertop. Then, the people who fancy themselves as ‘scientific thinkers’ can’t seem to make it out of the political poop slinging arena. All day, bickering back and forth about a bunch of bloated, rich business men aka career politicians, is just as bad as gossiping and drooling over ‘reality’ television characters. One person on fb just endlessly posts the most atrocious news stories, things like “stepfather rapes 10 month old baby” or what ever, but NEVER posts about solutions or the root issue as to why someone would do that. To me that is so fucked up. Why post things like that if you aren’t interested in helping making this world a place where this would not happen?!
    I’m at a loss. I try so hard to not let it irritate me or completely bum me out but it’s impossible to get away from. There are an estimated 45,000 homeless people in my city, about 7,000 of them are under the age of 18! We have tent cities that are recognized on goggle maps, where people live like rats and NO ONE cares. It’s so dangerous and filthy and there are soooo many children growing up in this environment and I don’t see any protests for this. People step right over human beings laying on the concrete with nothing but the ragged clothes on their backs, no shoes and barely conscious and don’t even bat an eye. I watched a man gather up a bunch of cups from the trash and pour the remaining contents from each cup into one and guzzle it down. I pulled my car up to him and offered him some money to buy himself a beverage and he was frightened by me. I couldn’t believe it. Once he could tell that I wasn’t going to threaten to call the police on him, he accepted the money. I think this is the part that bugs me the most. The true lack of compassion. How can people downright ignore, or worse, continually acknowledge the suffering of others, yet care NOTHING about helping?! I too, feel as though I’m screaming at the top of my lungs yet I’m muted. The streets here smell like human urine and it looks like a post apocalyptic movie scene and people find the grittiness ‘charming’. The traffic is not only pure insanity but it’s incredibly dangerous. The smog and pollution is a joke to most. Drive out into nature to get away and you see oil drills pumping right in the middle of plantations. Along side you see signs that say: ” vote for this president, he’ll save us from the drought and provide us with jobs, blah, blah, blah…” Never making the connection that the drilling and outdated farm practices are what causes the drought…
    I feel like I could go on and on. I’m sure none of this is news to you. I guess I just needed to vent too …but, yeah… we’re totally fucked.

    1. All you’ve written is very additional and relevant to this article. We must though try to keep calm and launch good ideas into the world (attack it with some sense), even if we are engulfed into a shit load of idiocracy everywhere we scream.

  2. Hi Tio,
    I read your article and I share the same disappointment with the current times that you have. I also want to thank you again for the TROM site documentary which I consider the best I’ve seen so far. My message is to let you know that despite millions of people being in the situation that you describe (misinformed or lacking proper information plus other deficiencies you already know-including some of my family members and friends) that there are others around the globe that have an informed view(just like you) and also have the same emotional reactions you do towards the future. So, there’s hope. Yes, it’s a few and it’s vastly outnumbered. But like you said, let’s not give up and let’s continue to share information with people around us. Even if they deny it, reject it without thinking, at least they remember the conversation. I can share a number of times where I slowly and carefully had conversations with people I had contact with and didn’t know,that we’d think would never listen to logical reason, and after a lot patience and listening to their worries, they started to come to conclusions on their own that match reality. Finally, if you want to share ideas or just rant/chat I am available on skype. It’s hard to find people these days to have a constructive conversation and I know I feel isolated sometimes. Either way, I’m grateful for the work you’ve already done and feel inspired by your efforts in helping humans to be better for themselves and the planet.

    1. Thank you for your message Daniel! Yes there are many wonderful and thoughtful people out there this is why I’m not giving up, and such comments like yours are a proof of that. I am inclined to make a podcast for people like you and me and discuss such topics. What do you think? Once a week. We can invite anyone to the podcast.

  3. I am overwhelmed!

    I’ve thought of “the world is getting better!” yet at the same time I see the limitations of highly skilled people in this profit based system… It’s been some while. I’ve chosen to ignore signs. Look how fearful I am now!! I’m anxious to understand more as I anticipate for your new e-Book…

    “change the environment to change the people.” I can see this happening to you too, Tio! I’d like to say, I mean, we have you — and you have us. Well, I don’t know how many we are. But, I, for one also consider the motion of it all. This comment section might as well be a community you might’ve been looking for (to ease you a bit ^^)… It’s just that, finding ways to realistically pave the way to a better future is daunting.

    My sentiments are: As we see possible signs of a civilization’s fall, I hope we can work towards a culture/community/civilization that is both intellectually and emotionally connected. The small specks of hope. HOW CAN THEY BE REALIZED?!

    I liked the use of the word “jackal,” Tio (Hints of NVC??? Yay!). This article has been a wake-up bitchslap. Yet another milestone, reading from you. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for your relevant comment. 😉 – Just to clarify this, I am not at all ‘depressive’ about this situation in the sense that I lost my motivation to push for a change. Not at all. I can’t stop what I’m doing. And because of such a messed up reality we must all push even harder.

      “jackal” 🙂 – no, although it took me a while to figure out what NVC stands for. I saw those lectures and now I see the connection, but “jackal” is a common word used in my culture/country to refer to these kinds of people.

      Super happy you found value in this article. More such articles to come on my blog and lots of other books for tromsite.

  4. Thank you TIO, you’ve just perfectly described the way I see the world around. Because of such massive amount of nonsense stuff, the really important/informative information get burried underneath, and it’s quite hard today to find something valuable, if you are not looking for specific information with specific keywords. When I first saw “Idiocracy” my thought was it’s the first futuristic movie which seems becomes reality. Like it’s not fantasy, and it gives you chills. The more years passed by the more real and more similarities I’ve started to notice. But we have to be strong and continue our fight, there are no other choice.

    1. Indeed we have to keep on trying, else we are going to accept things as they are, and I for one can’t. I need to “scream” my frustration with the situation

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